Ali Smith and Indie from Rebarkable

The Positive Puppy Expert

Hey! I’m Ali Smith, the Positive Puppy Expert.

I’m a multi-award winning professional dog trainer. I’ve helped to train over 1200 dogs, and I’m the proud owner of the worlds top pet blog!

I’m here to help you and other puppy owners to make the very best out of that little bundle of fluff (and teeth!)  so that you can raise a fun, capable, confident and fun member of your family – in the easiest and most reliable way possible.

And to do that affordably.

Reactive Dogs & E-Collars: Can They Be Used In Effective Training?

Reactive Dogs & E-Collars: Can They Be Used In Effective Training?

“Take a deep dive into the contentious issue of using e-collars for reactive dogs. This detailed post highlights the potential drawbacks of using e-collars and advocates for compassionate, scientifically-backed alternatives for dog reactivity training. Essential reading for dog owners seeking humane, effective methods to manage their pets’ behavior.”