
Bark Day

Want more help with your dog? 1:1 advice over the day, via voxer, to help you and your dog achieve their goals together!


Marvellous Muzzle Training

This FREE online course is built to take introduce your dog to a muzzle. It will walk you through how the muzzle should fit, how you should introduce it and even give some great suggestions!



This Award-winning puppy training is pretty much totally DIY! Weekly advice to keep you and your puppy learning together week by week to raise your puppy right, right from the start!


Rebarkable Reactives

(Launches Jul 2022)

Reactivity is really hard, right? But there is a solution. Sign up to Rebarkable reactives and let’s get you and your rebarkable dog through this issue with understanding.

wonder woof

Wonder Woof Academy

(Launches Sep 2022)

From rebel to reliable! Let’s make your dog into a Wonder Woof with this online obedience group training! 

Need Something More Personal?

One to ones online via zoom are always an option! If you’re looking for a little more support, drop me an email about what you’re struggling with, and let’s book in an hour or so to have a chat!