The Blog

16 Dog Breeds That Start With R

Embark on a regal journey through the canine kingdom with “The Royal Canine Chronicles,” a captivating exploration delving into the world of breeds starting with the majestic letter ‘R.’

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How To Train A Dog From Peeing In The House

Training your dog to stop peeing indoors involves establishing a consistent routine, identifying triggers for inappropriate urination, and considering methods like crate training or using pee pads tailored to your dog’s needs. Regular veterinary check-ups, maintaining consistency in training, and adapting strategies based on your dog’s age contribute to a successful and responsible training process.

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How To Use Management Effectively In Dog Training

“Discover the critical role of management in successful dog training. Our article unpacks how effective management strategies can pave the way for better communication, aiding in building a strong bond with your furry friend. Don’t miss out on these insights!”

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Reactive Dogs & E-Collars: Can They Be Used In Effective Training?

“Take a deep dive into the contentious issue of using e-collars for reactive dogs. This detailed post highlights the potential drawbacks of using e-collars and advocates for compassionate, scientifically-backed alternatives for dog reactivity training. Essential reading for dog owners seeking humane, effective methods to manage their pets’ behavior.”

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Best Equipment For Large Reactive Dogs 2024

Best Equipment For Large Reactive Dogs 2024

Your choice of equipment is incredibly important when it comes to large reactive dogs. Any time we take our reactive dog out in public we're exposing ourselves to a risk that a 'normal' (quoted, because there's no such thing, but let's deem that to mean "Socially...

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